[Mailman-Users] Send-to address out of order

Mit Freude kommunikation at mit-freude.de
Thu May 15 22:11:06 CEST 2003

Dear Tom,

Thank you for this detailed reply!

Now, as I don't have access to the server, I can't use this info. Mailman
is pre-installed by my web-hoster, as part of my web space package. So
that's outside my influence. Anything I can do apart of the option you
hinted on?


: ) http://communication.with-joy.com
    http://kommunikation.mit-freude.de ; )

>Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 11:12:30 -0700
>To: Mit Freude <kommunikation at mit-freude.de>, mailman-users at python.org
>Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Send-to address out of order
>From: Tom Eastep <teastep at shorewall.net>
>On Thu, 15 May 2003 19:28:09 +0100, Mit Freude <kommunikation at mit- 
>freude.de> wrote:
>> I successfully run a private eMail-list with mailman version 2.1.1 for
>> quite a while now. Without any tangible reason, no mail goes through our
>> "send to" address since last night.
>> Any idea what's wrong here?
>When this happens to me, the first thing that I do is to be sure that 
>qrunner is running:
>[root at lists Vexira]# ps -ax | grep qrunner | grep -v grep
>22927 ?        S     12:26 qrunner /var/mailman/bin/qrunner -- 
>runner=ArchRunner:0:1 -s
>22928 ?        S      0:28 qrunner /var/mailman/bin/qrunner -- 
>runner=BounceRunner:0:1 -s
>22929 ?        S      0:07 qrunner /var/mailman/bin/qrunner -- 
>runner=CommandRunner:0:1 -s
>22930 ?        S      0:55 qrunner /var/mailman/bin/qrunner -- 
>runner=IncomingRunner:0:1 -s
>22931 ?        S      0:03 qrunner /var/mailman/bin/qrunner -- 
>runner=NewsRunner:0:1 -s
>22932 ?        S      2:23 qrunner /var/mailman/bin/qrunner -- 
>runner=OutgoingRunner:0:1 -s
>22933 ?        S      0:21 qrunner /var/mailman/bin/qrunner -- 
>runner=VirginRunner:0:1 -s
>[root at lists Vexira]#
>Tom Eastep    \ Shorewall - iptables made easy
>Shoreline,     \ http://www.shorewall.net
>Washington USA  \ teastep at shorewall.net

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