[Mailman-Users] List not Visible

Roy S. Rapoport rsr at inorganic.org
Tue Mar 18 21:22:13 CET 2003

This feels like some sort of domain/host name issue.

I've got a host (inorganic.org, AKA fold.inorganic.org, AKA
lists.inorganic.org).  I'm attempting to localize mailman web/mail interfacing
to lists.inorganic.org.

mm_cfg.py contains:
DEFAULT_HOST_NAME = 'lists.inorganic.org'
DEFAULT_URL       = 'http://lists.inorganic.org/mailman'

Adding a list seems to work -- all the files are there -- but mail to the list
using mm_handler bounces, and both listinfo and admin pages claim the list
isn't there.

What am I missing?


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