[Mailman-Users] Mailman 2.1.2

jsmith jsmith at smittybuilt.com
Thu Jun 26 17:00:32 CEST 2003

Hello all,

I have had the unfortunate problem of the place that hosts my collocated
server move data centers from one coast to the other.  And it seems to
have broke a few things.  I am running FreeBSD 4.7 with Sendmail.

I made sure qrunner was started and sendmail is working as far as I can
tell.  My clients send and receive mail fine.  

Mine is basically an announce only email so only 3 people send to the
list.  All of the web pages for it are working.  I am not getting any
mail from the list going outbound.  In the mail queue I see the msg
waiting to go out with this error "Too many recipients"  

The user mailman is a trusted user and everything is on one machine.
This all worked fine prior to the move.  I am new with *ix and there is
probably something pointing me to where the problem is.  I have just not
come across it.

Any and all suggestions are welcome and appreciated.


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