[Mailman-Users] alternative archiver

Jonas Meurer jonas at freesources.org
Thu Jun 12 11:54:00 CEST 2003

i'm trying to get mailman 2.1.2 running with an alternative archiver.
the archiver gets the mail through a program called 'lurker-index'.
commandline usage would be:
/usr/bin/lurker-index -l $(listname) -m < /path/to/message
so, $listname has to be the stuff in front of the @, like mailman-users
for mailinglist mailman-users at python.org. how can i add this archiver?
how can i run it parallel to pipermail and how without pipermail?

second, would it be possible to change $(listname) before archiver uses
it? i wrote a little script that fixes the listname (it's not always the
part in front of the @, but a algorithm that creates aconyms for
listnames longer than 16 chars. so, in shell what i want would be:
listname_new = `/usr/local/bin/fixlist.sh $listname`
/usr/bin/lurker-index -l $(listname_new) -m < email/message/post

thanks for your help


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