[Mailman-Users] Four simple questions not answered by the FAQ.

John DeCarlo jdecarlo at mitre.org
Thu Jul 31 22:09:53 CEST 2003


Here are some answers, anyway.

schuetzen wrote:

> Four basic questions
> 1.  I have 12 lists I want to be plain text
> 2.  I want them to have NO attachments  
> Where are the (setup) switches to make the above happen?

On the list admin page, go to the Content Filtering section.  Change 
"Should Mailman filter ..." to Yes.  If you leave the rest at default 
values, including Yes for "Should Mailman convert text/html parts to 
plain text?", your list will only have plain text messages with no 

> 3.  I want to have a single page for moderation efforts.
> Where is or how do I do this?

Not sure what you mean by this.  You mean instead of having different 
"Sections" with a menu at the top, you want everything on one page?  I 
can look at the code and see if I can figure anything out along these 
lines if you want.

> 4.  Why can I not see all 30 or 50 members of a list as we used to in pre
> 2.1.x??
> Where is that switch?

Have you tried changing or setting DEFAULT_ADMIN_MEMBER_CHUNKSIZE in 
mm_cfg.py?  The description is in Defaults.py.

> This IS the "factory" list for Mailman, right? Or should I be going to another
> source?

Hmmm.  Don't know what you mean.  This is not the developer list. 
Mostly people answer who are other users.


John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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