[Mailman-Users] Mailman performance / sends per hour

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Sat Jul 26 15:43:30 CEST 2003

On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 06:03, Brad Knowles wrote:
> At 7:43 PM -0400 2003/07/25, Jon Carnes wrote:
> >  Actually Brad, it looks like your knowledge of Sendmail is rather dated.
> >  Sendmail has been doing this since 2001.
> >
> >    http://www.sendmail.org/~ca/email/doc8.12/RELEASE_NOTES

Sigh... You would think that somebody who had been mucking about with
sendmail since ~1991, and whose name comes up in the full RELEASE_NOTES
four times, plus was the sendmail FAQ maintainer from ~1995 to ~1997,
would be able to read release notes from Sendmail...

Here is the section from the Release Notes that is pertinent to our
"pissing contest":

   Add parallel queue runner code.  Allows multiple queue runners per work
		group (one or more queues in a multi-queue environment
		collected together) to process the same work list at the
		same time.

And yes this is an old reference.  I said, that Sendmail had been doing
this since 2001 - not advocating that folks use an old version of
Sendmail. Though if anyone else is reading these messages, I'm sure they
understood that.

<snip - a section where we agree that Postfix's security features impose
speed limitations>

> >  For larger lists and Mailman, I have found that nothing beats using a
> >  RAM disk and accessing the list database files via the mounted RAM disk.
> >  The speed increase can be 100x faster.
> 	If you're going to be a professional spammer, then I would 
> suggest using the professional spammer tools.
> 	Otherwise, if you're going to run a mailing list for normal 
> people, then I would suggest that you pay attention to sections 5.3.3 
> and 5.3.4 of RFC 1123 "Internet Host Requirements", which is also 
> part of STD0003:

Once again, Brad, you show that you have either very poor reading skills
or simply a poor understanding of mailsystems, and Mailman in

Re-read my statement above and maybe look into the old archives of this
list.  You will discover that due to Mailman's current design (well
really a limitation of Python) large lists can be very slow to maintain
and process.  the solution is to move the MAILMAN (not sendmail you
oaf!) list databases into a RAM drive.  And (duh!) a battery backed up
RAM drive sure would be best.

Jon Carnes

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