[Mailman-Users] big prolems

Ulf Schleth us at einsnull.com
Sat Jul 19 20:01:38 CEST 2003

dear mailman-users,

i thought mailman is a real stable mailing-list software. though, i 
switched all the lists of my users from majordomo to mailman caused of 

now, i do have 2 big problems:

1st - some mails (i do not really found out, wich ones, but i think they 
are html-mails) of users with big lists seems to irritate mailman, so that 

mailman don't send any mail, also the mails of the other lists are not 

2nd - two mailing lists crashed completely, when i try to access them via 
web i get an error message. cron sends me this one:

	raceback (most recent call last):
	  File "/mailman/cron/senddigests", line 65, in ?
	  File "/mailman/cron/senddigests", line 40, in main
	    mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock=0)
	  File "/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 79, in __init__
	  File "/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 910, in Load
	    raise Errors.MMCorruptListDatabaseError, e
	Mailman.Errors.MMCorruptListDatabaseError: bad marshal data

these lists also don't work, if i use config.db.last

3rd - sometimes just the approvement-messages aren't send.

i'm using mailman 2.0.13 on linux. DO ANYONE have any idea? could 
upgrading to mailman 2.1.2 help? does anyone know another real stable, 
safe and secure software?

please send your answer as cc to my email address. thanks.
 einsnull,  Rosenthaler Str. 39,  D-10178 Berlin,  fon +49-30-44650705
 fax +49-30-44650704, http://www.einsnull.com mailto:info at einsnull.com 

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