[Mailman-Users] non-web unsubscribe

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Mon Jul 7 18:50:47 CEST 2003

At 11:28 AM -0500 2003/07/07, Duncan McQueen wrote:

>  Is there a way to remove a user from a list without logging onto
>  the web-interface?  On our site, the web-server is limited to
>  intranet users only, but the list is sent out to people all over
>  the world.  I want to automate their removal, but I have tried
>  sending an email saying 'unsubscribe [email-address]' and nothing
>  happened.

	I don't understand why you'd restrict your web access to 
intranet-only users while allowing your mailing list to be 
distributed globally.  IMO, they should both be available only to the 
same sets of users.

	Nevertheless, mailman does have an e-mail interface.  For 
example, if you create a new list called "spork", you'll get an 
e-mail message like this telling you to create certain aliases:

The mailing list `spork' has been created via the through-the-web
interface.  In order to complete the activation of this mailing list, the
proper /etc/aliases (or equivalent) file must be updated.  The program
`newaliases' may also have to be run.

Here are the entries for the /etc/aliases file:

spork:              "|/usr/local/mail/mailman post spork"
spork-admin:        "|/usr/local/mail/mailman admin spork"
spork-bounces:      "|/usr/local/mail/mailman bounces spork"
spork-confirm:      "|/usr/local/mail/mailman confirm spork"
spork-join:         "|/usr/local/mail/mailman join spork"
spork-leave:        "|/usr/local/mail/mailman leave spork"
spork-owner:        "|/usr/local/mail/mailman owner spork"
spork-request:      "|/usr/local/mail/mailman request spork"
spork-subscribe:    "|/usr/local/mail/mailman subscribe spork"
spork-unsubscribe:  "|/usr/local/mail/mailman unsubscribe spork"

	All you have to do is send e-mail to the appropriate address, and 
the appropriate action should be taken.  For 
subscription/unsubscriptions, the recipient can send e-mail to the 
appropriate address, and then correctly respond to any confirmation 
notice that may be sent out.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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