Using mailman without passwords WAS Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman

Barry A. Warsaw barry at
Tue Jan 28 01:25:06 CET 2003

>>>>> "MD" == Matthew Davis <bigdog at> writes:

    MD> Now my 2 disclaimers.  1. Do with this information as you see
    MD> fit, its not the recommended way to setup a list.  2. Take it
    MD> for what its worth, it was free.

Actually, it's a fine way to run your lists, because your members
still have to perform the opt-in-with-confirmation step, but they
don't need to remember their passwords to either subscribe or
unsubscribe.  Yes, they'll need them to change their options, but most
users will rarely need to do that, and in 2.1, they can simply log
into their options page and get a password reminder when they need
it (you could disable montly passwords for the list).


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