[Mailman-Users] Trouble installing Mailman 2.0.13 - List works, Web doesn't. Alittle assist, please?

Ghoti ghoti at hsgcomputers.com
Tue Jan 21 07:51:39 CET 2003

As the subject indicates, I'm having something of an issue getting the 
web interface to mailman working.

This is my second try with this, and I'm certain this is something quite 
simple, but I'm stymied.

I've followed the instructions to the letter, and even have several 
mailing lists working (I made two test lists, just to repeat the problem).

For the longest time, I was getting 403 errors at all the web links in 
the welcome mailing.

I think I finally got that fixed with the following instructions in 

Alias /pipermail/ /home/mailman/arhcives/public/
ScriptAlias /mailman/  /home/mailman/cgi-bin/
<Directory "/home/mailman/cgi-bin">
   Options ExecCGI
   AllowOverride None
   Allow from from all
   Order allow,deny

Now, however, all web links yeild:

Mailman CGI error!!!
This entry is being stored in your syslog:

Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 65533, GOT gid 72.  (Reconfigure to 
take 72?)

The odd thing is, that's not Mailman's gid:
[root at mydomain root]# cat /etc/group | grep mailman

Group 72 seems to be Apache:
[root at mydonain root]# cat /etc/group | grep 72

What am I doing wrong?  I've tried to peruse the archives (that, in 
fact, helped my 403 problem), but neuther Google nor the archives seem 
to be enlightening me that much.

Can anyone lend a hand?  Thanks in advance!

Rob Palkowski

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