[Mailman-Users] Question about fixing an install..

Glenn Sieb ges+lists at wingfoot.org
Sat Jan 4 00:24:40 CET 2003

I am still running 2.1b5, and would like to upgrade to 2.1RC1... but I'd 
like to resolve this one eetsy problem.

I had failed to create the "mailman" list as the first list in my install. 
I have since done so--but I still get the cron error:

Site list is missing: mailman

So I figure, hey.. I want to upgrade to RC1... is there a way I can make 
this a smooth transition and fix this error? Can I back up my old lists, 
then back up my mailman directory, install the new version, create the 
mailman list, and finally import all the settings and such into the new 
install? Will this cause any of my list owners grief?


The original portions of this message are the copyright of the author
(c)1998-2002 Glenn E. Sieb.    ICQ UIN: 300395    IRC Nick: Rainbear

"Religion is for those who do what they are told regardless of what is right.
Spirituality is for those who do what is right regardless of what
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