[Mailman-Users] checkdbs error

Lisa Soto lsoto at bnl.gov
Wed Feb 26 22:41:43 CET 2003


I've looked in the archives and found 2 articles on this problem, but
those fixes haven't helped.

When I run (or when it runs from cron) checkdbs, I get the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./checkdbs", line 139, in ?
  File "./checkdbs", line 80, in main
    text += '\n' + pending_requests(mlist)
  File "./checkdbs", line 99, in pending_requests
    for id in mlist.GetSubscriptionIds():
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/ListAdmin.py", line 157, in
    return self.__getmsgids(SUBSCRIPTION)
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/ListAdmin.py", line 149, in __getmsgids
    ids = [k for k, (type, data) in self.__db.items() if type == rtype]
ValueError: unpack tuple of wrong size

I tried applying the checkdbs patch, to no effect, and also tried
removing the files from /var/lib/mailman/data. 

Any ideas? 

Lisa Soto
lsoto at bnl.gov
(631) 344-2009
Systems Administrator
Enterprise Unix Services

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