[Mailman-Users] Upgrading to 2.1 - a couple of Qs

david.gordon box99 at ntlworld.com
Fri Feb 21 10:16:33 CET 2003

I want to go from 2.0.13 to 2.1.1. I (think I) understand I need to
install 2.1 then move my current list archives etc over to the new
directory. Its all in the documents!

I don't understand this, what is the concept here? Don't I just rename
the new MM21 directory to the 'old' name and everything would work.
Perhaps I am missing some basic *nix theory?!

>RewriteRule ^/mailman/(.*)/(foo-list.*) \
>$MM21/cgi-bin/$1/$2 \


>RewriteRule ^/pipermail/(foo-list.*) $MM21/archives/public/$1

Given my (test) lists are called "test" and "testtwo", can someone help
me fill in the gaps. Should I add two lines to my VirtualHost for
mydomain.tld thus...

        RewriteRule ^/mailman/(.*)/(test.*) \
                      mailman/cgi-bin/$1/$2 \

But I don't know what these variables refer to " mailman/cgi-bin/$1/$2 \"

One rewrite for each list?

Maybe some one could translate what the rewrite is doing. And explain
what "sharing the same URL-space" means.

Thank you.


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