[Mailman-Users] Full Personalization to Hotmail?

Simon White simon at mtds.com
Thu Feb 20 09:29:09 CET 2003

19-Feb-03 at 20:40, Vivek Khera (khera at kcilink.com) wrote :
> >>>>> "SW" == Simon White <simon at mtds.com> writes:
> SW> Don't know if this helps, but Hotmail checks headers, and if the hotmail
> SW> address isn't on the To: or CC: line, it goes to the Trash folder.
> So nobody having a hotmail.com address can receive this list?  Sounds
> too bizarre to be true.

The first email you get from a mailing list gives some kind of a
warning. You have a setting where you can say "This is a mailing list"
hidden in there somewhere.

With only 1Mb of storage these days, you're better off with some other
provider anyway. Sadly, the Microsoft policy is to say

- Outlook (Express)? IS email
- Exchange IS the mail server (too many clients say "can it do Exchange"
  when they mean Is it an MTA?
- Hotmail IS webmail
- MSN IS Instant Messaging

... and so on

I can't believe how much this gets thrown down XP users' throats. Jeez,
someone last week got persuaded to upgrade their machines to XP for its
"Wonderful new functionality" on an old bunch of Pentium I, 133MHz
machines. All of a sudden, everything runs super slow. Madness.

|-Simon White, Internet Services Manager, Certified Check Point CCSA.
|-MTDS  Internet, Security, Anti-Virus, Linux and Hosting Solutions.
|-MTDS  14, rue du 16 novembre, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco.
|-MTDS  tel +212.3.767.4861 - fax +212.3.767.4863

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