[Mailman-Users] mailman

Bart Driessen bart at zinnebeeld.nl
Tue Feb 11 23:36:24 CET 2003

i have some questions about mailman.

we are distributing a html-designed e-zine (sent every weekday) with 
inline pictures in it. i have built the complete system myself 
(including contentmanagement for the site, web-based creation of the 
e-zine from the same contentmanagement system, sending the e-zine to 
about 11.000 members using standard php-mailing commands).

there are a few options missing from our system:
- scheduled sending of an e-zine
- bounce management

i'd like to know if your mailman software is suitable for my purposes, 
especially since we don't have a mailinglist (to which members can 
supply) but an e-zine. It is important to us to be able to have the 
ability to change the user config webpage from Mailman to our own 
design, just as the confirmation emails etc. It is also very important 
to be able to feed the sending system with an complete source of a 
mime/html message (which we save in a mysql database).

kind regards,


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