[Mailman-Users] Removing "To post to this list . . ." from confirmation e-mail

Barry A. Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Feb 11 14:22:08 CET 2003

>>>>> "JH" == John Hughes <jlhughes at yahoo.com> writes:

    JH> I'm trying to set up Mailman to use as a vehicle for
    JH> distributing a newsletter.  I don't want anyone to think they
    JH> can post messages to the list address.

    JH> I have figured out how to modify the HTML for the public list
    JH> pages. How do I remove the "To post to this list, send your
    JH> email to..." from the registration confirmation e-mail?

See my recent (two) postings about Jim's band announcement list.
These are general recommendations for any one-way (e.g. announce-only)

I'd really appreciate it if someone could finesse those two postings
into a FAQ item!


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