[Mailman-Users] I have a problem...

Michael Sullivan michael at espersunited.com
Fri Dec 12 19:40:32 CET 2003

I have mailman set up correctly (I think); I followed the tutorial at
http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialMailman.html and I've got
the web interface set up.  During setup I told mailman that the list
owner was michael at espersunited.com .  At the end of setup it told me
that it was sending an email informing the list owner of the list setup,
but I never received the email.  I went out to the website and
subscribed myself to the both of the lists I have set up (both with
michael at espersunited.com as the owner), and I haven't received received
an acknowledgement or request for confirmation email.  I tried to post a
message to my test list and it came back with a USER UNKNOWN error. 
What am I doing wrong?

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