[Mailman-Users] New to Mailman, need help

Aviram Carmi avi at otn.com
Fri Aug 29 05:59:20 CEST 2003

I found a "better" way, there is a command in mailman/bin/genaliases 
that will generate all aliases for all mailing lists...

now I just need to figure out how to direct mail to the "real person" 
i.e. the list's admin from the virtual host lists.first5ventura.org 
to lisa at first5ventura.org and I should be done...

there are too many examples, I got lost trying to find just one 
concise example that I could follow.... going very slow and figuring 
it out one step at a time...



At 23:54 -0400 08/28/2003, Jon Carnes wrote:
>Oddly enough there doesn't seem to be any Sendmail integration (addition
>of the aliases when added via the web interface) - though it works for
>Postfix (after some setup).
>Note, you can add the integration yourself.  At one site I simply
>spoofed the Postfix integration and made it work with Sendmail.
>As to adding the aliases after the fact, that's no problem.  Look at the
>existing ones (you should have a "mailman" one at the very least) and
>simply copy that one's aliases then substitute your lists name for the
>copied lists name.
>To see how to use Virtual hosts, look in the file
>~mailman/Mailman/Defaults.py (but make your changes to mm_cfg.py)
>It's fairly simple and there are *lots* of examples in the archives (if
>not in the FAQ).
>Good Luck - Jon Carnes
>On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 23:35, Aviram Carmi wrote:


Aviram Carmi
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