[Mailman-Users] script alternative to radio buttons?

Chris Wellens chrisw at iwl.com
Mon Aug 11 19:22:05 CEST 2003

We need a command line script alternative to the web page radio buttons, and we
are willing to pay for it!

We have ten mailman mailing lists that we use very effectively with our
customers and internal staff.  Every day, our Administrator has to go to
the "Pending Administrative Requests for mailing list ..." to get rid
of all the spam posts.  Often there are fifty or so per mailing list,
so 500 unwanted administrative pieces of mail.

It takes a very long time (one or more hours per day) to click the
"discard" radio button for each mail message per mailing list, and then
finally click on the "Submit All Data" button.

Our administrator would like to quickly skim the pending messages,
see if there are any that are bonafide messages that should be posted
to the mailing list, and then discard all the rest in one fell swoop.

If someone could write us a script that we could run from the Red Hat Linux
command line, we are willing to pay for the development and resubmit to the

We would like to do something like this:

linux prompt% discard pendingmsgs mailinglistone

where "discard" is the command, "pendingmsgs" is an argument, and
"mailinglistone" is the name of the mailing list to get the treatment.

We use Mailman 2.1.2 and RedHat Linux 9.x.  We compiled our own version of
Mailman because the one that shipped with RedHat did not work right.  Our
network administrator who set this all up says he is too busy to write the
script for us, so that is why we are asking for help from the community.

Thanks in advance.

==--==-  Chris Wellens      President & CEO      InterWorking Labs 
--==--=  108 Whispering Pines Dr, Ste 115, Scotts Valley, CA 95066-4792
==--==-  chrisw at iwl.com     +1 831 430 3610   +1 831 430 9144 Fax

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