[Mailman-Users] Public/private archives problem.

Tokio Kikuchi tkikuchi at is.kochi-u.ac.jp
Mon Aug 11 07:48:36 CEST 2003


You should state your urlhost/emailhost pairs in mm_cfg.py like;

add_virtualhost('www.virtual.dom', 'mail.virtual.dom')

then use fix_url.py.

Rob Brandt wrote:

> I recently submitted a bug report on that:
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=784888&group_id=103&atid=100103
> No response yet.
> Rob
> Quoting tony-mm at arielbusiness.com:
>>I hope someone can help me with this:
>>I am a web space reseller on a shared server.
>>One of the features we get is mailman, which we offer to our clients.
>>One thing I have noticed about it is that if a mailing list has a has a
>>private archive, the address is
>>http://clientdomain.com/mailman/private/listname, which is fine, but if
>>the archive is public, then the address is
>>http://myhostingprovidersservername.com/pipermail/listname - which is
>>not fine :(
>>This means that my clients can see the domain name of the underlying
>>provider I am buying space off, and potentially they might jump ship.
>>Is this something that can be fixed by me/the hosting provider, and if
>>so, how?
>>Many thanks,

Tokio Kikuchi, tkikuchi@ is.kochi-u.ac.jp

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