[Mailman-Users] Mass subscribe Member limit? (add_members)

Gustavo Gouvea gustavo at scire.coppe.ufrj.br
Thu Aug 7 20:39:00 CEST 2003


Im using redhat 8.0 + mailman 2.0.13.

It happens that Im using add_members to mass subscribe
25,000 members.

When I try to do it, the script tells me that several
email adresses was already subscribed, but they were not.
I use list_members and bingo! The emails informed as already
subscribed are not subscribed.

Is there a maximum number of members I can subscribe once?
I seems that add-members

The problem is that sync_members is even worse, because
it can handle less than 3,000 adresses once and aborts
if it finds any error.

Im searching a syncronize solution. I was thinkin about
deleting and adding all the members any time I need to sync
the list. But I found that problem with add-members.

Again: is there a maximum number of members to subscribe
each time I run add_members?


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