[Mailman-Users] how to use SSI in mailman generated HTML

Per Jessen per at computer.org
Wed Apr 30 18:14:53 CEST 2003


I had a look around for clues on how to get Apache to parse the mailman
HTML for server side includes, and didn't find any hints, only this 

> Apr 12 2002, Ernesto Gluecksmann asked:
>My question relates to Server Side Includes.  My websites use these 
>heavily, and I want to know what's the appropriate way of referencing 
>these header and footer pages, so my mailman list information has the same 
>look & feel as the rest of the websites.

I guess I could have been looking for the wrong thing, or maybe it's just so 
plain obvious that no-one bothered mentioning it, but just in case someone 
is still looking:

<Directory /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/>
        SetOutputFilter INCLUDES

Assuming - obviously - that you installed mailman in /usr/local/ and less 
obviously that you're using Apache 2.0.


best regards,
Per Jessen, per at computer.org
http://timian.jessen.ch - an analog report-formatter using XSLT

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