[Mailman-Users] command to change/sync a user's passwords

Kevin McCann kmccann at bellanet.org
Sat Apr 26 13:44:16 CEST 2003


I would like to execute a command that will change and sync all of a user's
Mailman passwords. FWIW this is an exercise to streamline the authentication
of Mailman and Postnuke until Mailman supports the use of an external user
DB in, say, MySQL. Therefore this needs to run behind the scenes, so getting
the user to log in and just use the normal Mailman method (options CGI) is
not the answer I'm looknig for here.

I saw the changepw example in bin/withlists but that only applies to one
list, obviously. I was thinking about executing a find_member command,
parsing the results, and executing the withlist changpw against each line.
However, I'm wondering if there is a more elegant way.

A looked at code from Mailman/Cgi/options.py and I see the code that appears
to do this. There is a section starting

if cgidata.has_key("changepw")

and routines

"Lists_of_memers" and "change_password"

I'd like to remove whatever CGI-ness exists and use the remaining stuff to
build a python program that I can execute from the command line (and at some
point execute behind the scenes during Postnuke authentication routines).
However, I'm just not up to speed with Python yet (although I am purchasing
a book on it later today).

So, has anyone written this program already? Or should I just do what I
suggested earlier - the find_member, parse, loop with withlist hack?


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