[Mailman-Users] edithtml for all pages, all lists

Michael Mell mike at nthwave.net
Tue Apr 22 02:01:41 CEST 2003

I want to change the html for all the pages of all the lists in our 
Mailman installation.
Should I do so through the /mailman/edithtml pages for each list, or 
can I safely edit files on the server?
Also, can I safely edit the files in /mailman/templates so that future 
lists will have a new look?

I'm using Mailman 2.0.8. The post a few days ago does not exactly 
address this issue/version:

many thanks,

Empire or Republic?

"The pro-empire side argues that only a militarily assertive United 
States can address what Bush calls “gathering dangers” facing the 
nation – even if that means tighter constraints on liberty at home and 
freer use of U.S. troops abroad. The pro-republic forces say Bush’s 
imperial strategy is a sham – false security that cedes life-and-death 
national decisions to the dictates of one man."

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