[Mailman-Users] user unknown

Richard Barrett r.barrett at openinfo.demon.co.uk
Mon Apr 21 17:10:52 CEST 2003

At 14:15 21/04/2003, Aaron Ceraldi wrote:
>Im new to mailman, I have setup the server and it seams to work fine
>other than when I try to send to any address for any list I get
>something similar to what I have included below. dose anyone know of a
>cause and solution for this ?
>220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.5/8.12.5; Wed, 16 Apr 2003
>1 -0500
>501 5.0.0 hello requires domain address
>250 localhost.localdomain Hello [], pleased to meet you
>250 2.1.0 <dowen at cmaworld.com>... Sender ok
>550 5.1.1 <mint-request at ls.cmaworld.com>... User unknown

You appear to be using Sendmail and the symptoms you describe suggest you 
have not added the list's aliases to the aliases database. Usually, the 
list aliases are output when the list is created and you have to take some 
action to pass that information to the MTA. For example, with some Linux 
installations running Sendmail, you would:

1. append the aliases output by $prefix/bin/newlist to the file 
/etc/aliases or /etc/mail/aliases

2. run sendmail -bi or run make in /etc/mail/aliases

>Aaron Ceraldi
>(615) 254-8324

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