[Mailman-Users] Beginners question [2 attachments]

Jeffery D. Goddard Jeffery.D.Goddard at Dartmouth.EDU
Wed Apr 16 16:24:13 CEST 2003

Sorry this is such a simple question - I've read through the docs and 
the FAQ but can't seem to find a specific instance where my question is 
addressed. Everything refers me to other documentation and I feel like 
I'm getting caught in a circle. The root of my problem is that the 
permissions on the mailman cgi scripts aren't accessible to the web 
server. Here's the setup. I'm using Mandrake 9.0. I removed the default 
mailman installation in /var/lib/mailman. I put a second hard drive in 
that mounts under /usr/local/mailman. I have a user "mail" with a uid of 
4 and a gid of 8. Apache had a uid/gid of 72 on my system. I ran

./configure --with-username=4 --with-groupname=mail --with-mail-gid=12
- --with-cgi-gid=72

Everything seems to be installed correctly. /usr/local/mailman is owned 
by mail. Attached are my httpd.conf and mailman.conf files. Can anyone 
provide me with some insight as to what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

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