[Mailman-Users] unable to change any list setting after the upgrade

Akop Pogosian akopps at CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Wed Apr 16 06:23:14 CEST 2003

I just upgraded a list server from Mailman 2.0.13 to Mailman 2.1.1 and
noticed that I can't change any list settings any more on the web. I
am able to login to the administrative interface using either the list
admin or site admin password and to navigate around but it seems to me
that none of the settings are saved when I click on "Submit your
changes". If I change something and click on "submit your changes", on
the next page, I see all settings the way they were before changing
them. I am also unable to reset the list admin password or to
accept/reject/discard any of the pending requests. I am not getting
errors on the web page. Posting to the mailing lists seems to work and
I think all file permissions are correct. I am using Python 2.1.3 on
Solaris. Did anyone else have the same problem?


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