[Mailman-Users] Subscribing to List 1 automatically subscribes user to List 2

Raymond Wood raywood at magma.ca
Tue Apr 15 19:27:37 CEST 2003

Hello mailman-users,

I'm writing to ask your collective advice about how best to
arrange it so that when a user subscribes to one list (say,
MAIN), then they automatically get subscribed to a second list
(say, ANNOUNCE).

One issue here is that there may be people who want to subscribe
to ANNOUNCE who do not want to subscribe to MAIN  :)  Otherwise
a solution would likely be much easier to find...

Here are some ideas that have surfaced:

1.  Subscribe the list MAIN itself to list ANNOUNCE.  If this
    will work, I assume we would have to configure carefully to make
    sure that duplicate posts are not sent out  :)
2.  Hack together some shell script, run as a cron job, that would
    automatically subscribe MAIN newcomers to the ANNOUNCE list.
3.  I also read a brief reference in the Mailman documentation
    to something called 'Umbrella Lists' -- not sure whether this is
    useful to what we want to do or not though.

I am currently assuming that #1 above is the simplest, unless
there are hidden gotchas.  Has anyone on this list tried #1
before, or know whether it is possible?

If anyone has a better idea I am all ears  :)  Basically I'm
trying to find the most elegant solution possible to get MAIN
list subscribers automagically subscribed to the ANNOUNCE list.

Thanks in advance for your input,

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