[Mailman-Users] Question about an Autoresponse to pending subscription

Dan Wright ADTech Lists listmodmod at elysiumgrounds.com
Tue Apr 15 07:15:58 CEST 2003

Hi everyone, 

I'm new to the list, however I've been running Mailman since October. 
What I would like to know is something that while we can live without,
would make things much easier on my moderators. 

When someone subscribes to one of our lists, we're required to get
certain information. Name, club membership number, etc etc etc. 

What I would like is for the server to send a message once the pending
subscriber (after they confirm) asking for this information. 

Is there any hacks or any other ideas for that? 

Also I would be interested in any kind of "Temp ban" hack that would
remove somoene from one, or all lists on a server for a determined
amount of time. 


--(Dan Wright)- -- ----  ----------------- --- -- -   -
- ADTech: List Moderation
- aim: rulesninja
- email: ADTech-ListModeration at Camarilla.White-Wolf.com
- web: http://www.elysiumgrounds.com/~listmodmod
- lists: http://camarilla.white-wolf.com/mailman/listinfo
--(US2002021042)-- ----  ------------------------------- --- -- -   -

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