[Mailman-Users] Apache redirects

Greg Westin greg at gregwestin.com
Wed Sep 25 22:03:28 CEST 2002

Is there a way to use Apache Rewrite directives to direct requests for
lists.domain1.com to lists.domain1.com/mailman/listinfo?

I have a couple of virtual domains, and want all of their list traffic to
run off the same Mailman installation.  If someone requests
www.domain1.com, they should obviously get an appropriate home page.  But
if they ask for lists.domain1.com, probably what they really want is
lists.domain1.com/mailman/listinfo.  And if they ask for
lists.domain2.com, they certainly don't want the home page for domain1,
they want lists.domain2.com/mailman/listinfo.

I set up very basic Rewrite directives to do things like rewrite all
requests for undefined subdomains to www.domain.com, but I'm not confident
that I'd know how to do this.

Surely, someone else has had this problem?  What do you do for users that
request lists.yourdomain.com/ without appending anything like
/mailman/listinfo?  Just let them get an error, or the homepage?

Any help would be appreciated.



greg at gregwestin.com
Contact info: http://www.gregwestin.com/contact.php

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