[Mailman-Users] Dead mailman installation

Matthew Mellon mellonm at watauga.k12.nc.us
Sat Sep 21 03:28:28 CEST 2002

I installed Mailman 2.0.8 on a RHL 6.2 machine what seems like years ago at school. I have since graduated and moved on, but my old frat still gives me a tech support call once in a while. Since then, it has hummed along without a kink until tuesday. For some reason, messages are no longer being deliveres. Senmail is my MTA. I checked my maillog and messages are being piped to wrapper, but they do not show up in the posts log. In fact, none of the Mailman logs even get touched. Sendmail is not producing errors. I checked all of the obvious things, ran check_perms and check_db, disk space is fine... I am totally baffled. Any thoughts?

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