[Mailman-Users] Managing large lists

Raquel Rice raquel at thericehouse.net
Mon Sep 16 01:52:52 CEST 2002

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 23:39:19 -0300
Fred at ScotiaCom <fcrouse at scotiacom.com> wrote:

> Is the Member Management web page the only place to manage
> membership lists. I want to use Mailman with a list with 5000+
> members. I can't imagine scrolling through 5000 members 30 at a
> time to unscribe a member, or to check an address. Is there a
> search or sort option? Is there a way to integrate the members
> with a field in a MySQL database. fred

Yes, with version 2.1b3 the membership is handled differently and
there is a search function provided.

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is
the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.
  --Mark Twain

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