[Mailman-Users] strip-mime and aol

Barry A. Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Sep 9 16:39:14 CEST 2002

>>>>> "KR" == Kyle Rhorer <rhorer at swbell.net> writes:

    >> Get real, Rickie, this is the 21st Century, HTML here to
    >> stay. It's called freedom to send email in whatever format I
    >> want.

    KR> And we have the freedom to not read mail in whatever format we
    KR> want.  If you want your mail to have the widest possible
    KR> readership, keep that in mind.

IMO, HTML mail isn't the problem, HTML-only mail is.  I've got no
(major) qualms when a message is sent with multipart/alternative
containing a text/plain and text/html parts.  It's wasteful but oh
well.  At least with alternative parts a list owner or individual mail
recipient can apply their own preferences, rather than being forced to
pass through (for some) unreadable mail or drop kick the whole


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