[Mailman-Users] Question:

Rajib A. Momen Elrond at BostonComputing.net
Fri Sep 6 23:05:27 CEST 2002

Is there no simpler way? It seems kind of redundant to have a user
required to put in his password if he's sending from his own e-mail
address. Is there any way I can create something that is very simple to
click for users to unsubscribe? I was thinking maybe signing up all the
users w/ the same password, perhaps the name of the list. However, I
also do not know how to subscribe a user to a list with a specific
password without his having to confirm it. Thanks so much for the help!
In the footer it's possible to incude something like: 
To unsubscribe, click below, and replace "YOUR_PASSWORD" with your real
password after "%20":<DIV><nobr><A
href="mailto:mailman-users-request at python.org?subject=unsubscribe%20YOUR
_PASSWORD">mailto:mailman-users-request at python.org?subject=unsubscribe%2
	----- Original Message ----- 
	From: Rajib A. Momen <mailto:Elrond at BostonComputing.net>  
	To: mailman-users at python.org 
	Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 2:17 AM
	Subject: [Mailman-Users] Question:
	Hi there,
	I was curious if there is a way to bypass the email confirmation
of a subscription. It seems kind of redundant to sign up on a web site,
enter a password, and then have to reply to a message to confirm, since
you just signed up! Is this possible? Secondly, I was wondering if it
was possible to set a list so that you could unsubscribe from it by
email without inputting the password. For example, if I wanted the
bottom of all my messages to have a link or very, very simple
instructions on how to unsubscribe, how would I go about doing this?
Currently it seems that the user MUST input his/her password. Any help
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
	Best regards,
	Rajib Momen
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