[Mailman-Users] obscure email addresses_ where?

TyrusMaynard rustym at main.nc.us
Tue Oct 29 21:59:36 CET 2002

   In my short experience as a Mailman 2.0.13   list administrator, I have had this 
obscure_addresses (privacy): Show member addrs so they're not directly 
recognizable as email addrs?

toggled  as  "Yes"  since the inception of the list.

The help says that the following will result:
"Setting this option causes member email addresses to be transformed when 
they are presented on list web pages (both in text and as links), so they're not 
trivially recognizable as email addresses. The intention is to to prevent the 
addresses from being snarfed up by automated web scanners for use by 

However the mail items  in the list archives  still show the  "@"   in all email 
addresses.   Only the  list of  member addresses  has an "AT" replacement to 
thwart  spam robot scanners  ( and that is configured to be viewed only by 
admin anyway).

???Is this feature working properly? ...  and will there be a future  Mailman 
version that will  eliminate emails entirely so that they elude more than trivial  

Since I also have the archives set to a private status:
(archive_private (archive), could  this privacy setting be the reason why the  
"@"  values are not substituted.?     If so , can I expect for the emails to be 
hidden or substituted  if and when the archive is coverted to public status.

Tyrus Maynard

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