[Mailman-Users] Netscape 7 (WIN) & Admin Requests

Tom Hanna tph3 at cornell.edu
Sat Oct 26 17:54:41 CEST 2002

Anybody else have a problem with Netscape 7 (WIN) as an interface to 
mailman administrative actions?  I do!  I set my browser prefs to "accept 
all cookies" and Mailman simply does not respond as if it is able to set 
cookies for my admin session, and does not accept any admin changes..

Process: in Net7 (WIN)
-Set edit>prefs>privacy & security>cookies to "accept all cookies"
-Login at foo.com/mailman/admin/listname
-On the listname main admin page, click on "privacy options"
**This takes me back to the login prompt, with a notification: "From this 
point on, you must have cookies enabled in your browser, otherwise no 
administrative changes will take effect."
-Login again
**This takes me into the "privacy options" page I was seeking (something 
was accepted!)
-Add item to "Addresses of members accepted for posting..."
-Click "Submit All Data"
**This takes me back to the login prompt, with the "cookies notification"
-Login again
**This takes me to the "Privacy Options" page -- where I find that the 
change did not take!
-Make the same change again
****This takes me back to the login prompt, with the "cookies notification"
-Login again
**This takes me to the "Privacy Options" page -- where I find that the 
change did not take!
**All other clickable items (including explanatory texts) return me to the 
login prompt with the cookies warning .....
NOTE: When I switch browsers to Net4.0 (!!), Mailman's admin interface 
works just fine.

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