[Mailman-Users] duplicating a mailman list?

Erez Zadok ezk at cs.sunysb.edu
Fri Oct 18 02:01:11 CEST 2002

[I'm not on mailman-users, please reply/CC to my email directly.]

How do I create an identical duplicate of a list by another new name?

I'm using mailman 2.0.13.  It takes me time to create a new list, b/c for
the most part I want to configure that list identically to other lists
(esp. wrt privacy/protection features).  Specifically I want to turn on/off
certain features, etc.  I do so by creating a new list, then going through
the Web interface for the old and new list, and setting the options by hand.
It's a pain and time consuming.

I could not find a python script to duplicate one list to another.  I'd like
to copy everything: configuration, archives, and subscribership.  Actually,
I mostly care about configuration.  I don't mind if the subscribership and
archives are duplicated or not (I can handle that relatively automatically
by other means).

If someone had written a python script to "cp oldlist newlist" please let me
know.  (I couldn't find it in the faqs either.)


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