[Mailman-Users] HELP! Getting different Import Error: python2.2/lib-dynload/_socket.so: bad ELF flags value: 256

Barry A. Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Nov 29 05:34:00 CET 2002

>>>>> "SR" == Steve Rifkin <steve410 at cs.jhu.edu> writes:

    SR> Anyone familiar with the error (we're running python 2.2.2 and
    SR> mailman 2.08):

    SR> admin(7162): ImportError: ld.so.1: /usr/local/bin/python:
    SR> fatal: /usr/local/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/_socket.so: bad
    SR> ELF flags value: 256

This can only mean that your Python installation is messed up.


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