[Mailman-Users] how do I uninstall

David Gordon davidgordon at ntlworld.com
Fri Nov 29 16:06:24 CET 2002

Matthew Davis bigdog at dogpound.vnet.net wrote on Fri 29 Nov 2002 at 10:54 -0500

>If the user that you created the mailman program for is still created, 

Mmmmm. I deleted the user "mailman" and created a new user "mailman"
before reinstalling....

># crontab -u mailman -l

Gets the result - "must be privileged to use -u"

>check /var/spool/cron if your running vixie-cron.  a file for each user
>that has a crontab entry will be in that dir.

I have an entry for mailman

-rw-------    1 root     mailman      1218 Nov 29 09:41 mailman

which appears to be the current milman user's but I can't read it even as

What I'd really like is a complete list of files to remove so I can start


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