[Mailman-Users] Help with Mac OS X Server (Jaguar) and Mailman?

Stephanie Mitchell stephani at cornbury.org
Mon Nov 4 07:30:20 CET 2002

Hello all:

Hope you can help with this. I'm a little lost, and his may not even 
be a Mailman problem, but here goes.

I have Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) Server running AppleMailServer (for 
regular mail) and sendmail (for Mailman). My problem is that all mail 
to Mailman's lists is bounced with unknown user. I think AMS needs to 
be shown how to forward this mail to sendmail so it can be processed 
by Mailman. Sendmail has all the aliases defined (and newaliased) for 
the lists.

Mail going out from Mailman (e.g. mass subscribe notices from the web 
interface) works just fine.

By the way, special thanks to Kathleen Webb for her great 
walk-through on the basic install. It works fine, except her 
non-server system doesn't have AppleMailServer and sendmail is the 
only mailserver involved.

Any ideas?
Stephanie Mitchell

For beautiful lips, speak words of kindness.

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