[Mailman-Users] Importing very large list archives from mbox format to Mailman

Scott Courtney courtney at 4th.com
Fri May 31 23:27:16 CEST 2002

Good evening!

Sorry to bother you again.

I have successfully downloaded all my archives from YahooGroups using the
excellent yahoo2mbox.pl utility mentioned previously.

When I try to run bin/arch <list> <mbox_filename> to import them, only about
80 messages will go into the archives. I tried using the --start and
--end parameters, as shown:

    bin/arch --start=81 --end=160 <list> <mbox_filename>

but the arch utility won't accept that syntax. It *will* accept the following:

    bin/arch -s 81 -e 160 <list> <mbox_filename>

but unfortunately it doesn't *do* anything at all in this case. No errors;
just says it's pickling the archive and then exits cleanly.

What am I doing wrong? And, assuming I get this working, how do I keep the
automated archiver runs from undoing my work later?

Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry to be a pest. I am learning, however, and
hopefully soon I can start helping others, at least with the basic stuff.

Kind regards,

Scott Courtney         | "I don't mind Microsoft making money. I mind them
courtney at 4th.com       | having a bad operating system."    -- Linus Torvalds
http://www.4th.com/    | ("The Rebel Code," NY Times, 21 February 1999)

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