[Mailman-Users] importing archive

John Meissen john at meissen.org
Wed May 22 20:09:52 CEST 2002

stefan.guerra at metaonline.it said:
> How do I import an archive into a new mailing list?

I had the same question when I set my list(s) up, and I saw it often
enough in the archives (usually unanswered) that I'm surprised it's not
in the FAQ.

If your archive is in mbox format copy it to 
   archives/private/<list>.mbox/<list>.mbox  (where <list> is your list name)
then run
    bin/arch <list> archives/private/<list>.mbox/<list>.mbox

If it's not in mbox format then you need to figure out how to convert it
from whatever form it's in to mbox.


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