Patch to suppress List-* headers on a per-list basis (was Re: [Mailman-Users] Help )

Barry A. Warsaw barry at
Sat May 18 00:27:14 CEST 2002

>>>>> "BW" == Bob Weissman <rlw at> writes:

    BW> (It took me all of a half hour to figure out how to write this
    BW> patch, by the way, and I didn't even know Python when I
    BW> started. I congratulate the Mailman authors on making the
    BW> software flexible enough to add a new attribute to mlists,
    BW> generate the adin GUI for same automagically, and make
    BW> retrofitting existing lists a simple matter of using
    BW> withlist.)

Cool!  (Python rocks, doesn't it? :)

    BW> Anyway, the FAQ says this particular modification is frowned
    BW> upon, so I didn't submit it. If people want it, I can package
    BW> it up and document it. I imagine that others have also
    BW> implemented this, as it's a pretty obvious change to
    BW> and Should I submit mine? If so,
    BW> where should I send it?

I'd say the SF patch manager is the best place for it:

But I'd like to know if we should have a more visible location for
contributed, unofficial add-ons and patches.  One the one hand, the SF
patch manager isn't a great place for it because I want to be able to
reject (and close!) patches that aren't relevant to the latest
version, or that I don't want to endorse as official.

Hmm, I wonder if we should start something on the Mailman wiki?


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