[Mailman-Users] The moderation/SPAM queue

Eric A. Meyer eric at meyerweb.com
Tue May 14 01:10:18 CEST 2002

At 16:49 -0600 5/13/02, Mike Avery wrote:

>However, any list that has any real presence will be
>subjected to any number of attacks.  Once the email
>address is known, spammers will try to send to it.

    Boy, isn't that the truth.  Which reminds me, I was wondering if 
there are any thoughts of allowing for a "condensed view" of the 
messages that have lodged in the spam filter?  Something like a table 
that shows the subject, sender, the reason the message got caught, 
and the options available (Approve, Reject, etc.).  That would make 
clearing out actual spam sent to active lists a lot simpler.
    Note that I'm looking for this option in an environment where I 
can't hack the source code or data files of Mailman; in other words, 
I'm looking for a planned addition to the Web interface.  I'd be 
happy to mock up what kind of layout I was envisioning, if that would 
be helpful.

Eric A. Meyer (eric at meyerweb.com) http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/
Author, "Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide" and
"CSS 2.0 Programmer's Reference"  http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/books/

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