[Mailman-Users] New user question

Bob Weissman rlw at rlw.best.vwh.net
Sun May 12 18:50:44 CEST 2002

At 07:35 PM 5/11/02, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
>   AcLA> On top of that all those damn extra headers that
>    AcLA> are added to each email are a total pain.  If you (whoever
>    AcLA> you are) would make it so that each list could be configured
>    AcLA> the way he list master wants rather than force certain
>    AcLA> methodologies on us would greatly be appreciated.
>I guess I'm now "whoever you are". :)  Some people hate the headers,
>others see them as the standards-compliant way to improve the user's
>experience.  But with your site admin's approval, you will be able to
>suppress these headers in MM2.1.

I hope I'm reading this right; may I infer that these headers will be supressable on a per-list basis?

I run a number of lists for a non-profit professional organization with over 1000 members. Most of the lists are standard Mailman lists, meaning subscribers can self-administer them; the List-* headers are fine for these.

But some of the lists are regenerated monthly from the membership database (I do sync_members manually every month on these). Subscribers cannot self-administer these lists, and I would just as soon not give them pointers to features which will not work.

- Bob

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