[Mailman-Users] Strange Load Problems with Mailman

Barry A. Warsaw barry at zope.com
Sun May 12 03:58:57 CEST 2002

>>>>> "NB" == Norbert Bollow <nb at thinkcoach.com> writes:

    NB> Has this been figured out yet?

    NB> BTW, Geoffrey what'd the exact Mailman version that you're
    NB> running?  (you mention both 2.1b1 and 2.1b2) ?

    NB> What is this Mailman process doing?  (Have you tried strace?)

I think Geoffrey just has huge lists, and since the general listinfo
overview has to load every list into memory, you're kind of screwed.
An external user database (possible in MM2.1 with some Python hacking)
would help a lot here.

For the cgi's you're probably okay, since they're one shots.  The
general listinfo will be slow, but individual list's listinfos will be

Where you could have a problem is in mail delivery, bounce processing,
etc., since it's doubtful Mailman will return that memory to the
system.  Right now I think the best approach is to periodically (via
cron) issue a "bin/mailmanctl restart" to kill the qrunner
sub-processes and restart them.


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