[Mailman-Users] 2.1 upgrade

Barry A. Warsaw barry at zope.com
Sun May 12 03:55:54 CEST 2002

>>>>> "JSC" == Jay S Curtis <camel at lrllamas.com> writes:

    JSC> Anyone have that "sure fire" upgrade HOWTO written yet?

Upgrading within the 2.0.x family is really easy.  Simply install the
new version over the old and Bob's yer uncle.

Upgrading from 2.0.x to 2.1 is trickier because sooo much has
changed.  I'm still working out details as I migrate my own lists
over, but the basic idea is to install MM2.1 in a new location and
move lists one-by-one manually.  There are some disadvantages to this
approach, and doing the "install-over" /should/ work, but even I'm not
brave enough to try it on product lists.  I've done it on some lists
for my personal domains but those are all fairly low traffic.

The major thing you need to worry about when going from 2.0.x to 2.1
is to make sure your system is quiescent and that your 2.0.x queue is
clear /before/ you upgrade or move a list.  That means prevent your
web server from hitting the lists, and shutoff incoming email to the
lists.  Be sure to leave outgoing email alone (check your MTA on how
to do this), and wait until your qfiles directory is empty.  Then and
only then can you upgrade-over or move a list.


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