[Mailman-Users] Wishlist addition

Aaron Birenboim aaron at boim.com
Fri May 10 01:23:39 CEST 2002

At this time, you need to know that the ONLY place to go to get
a reminder of your password is:


This is a bit obscure.

How hard would it be to add this URL 
to the response to the "help" e-mail command?

How could I get this in the Wishlist?
I think this would be a minor addition, and could be part of the 2.x

Aaron Birenboim | The top three attributes of a good programmer:
Albuquerque, NM |    Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris
aaron at boim.com  |
boim.com/~aaron |     -- Randall Schwartz, author of perl references

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