[Mailman-Users] Closed lists

Parag Mehta pm at linuxindia.org
Sun May 5 05:20:36 CEST 2002

Hello Gitte,

On Sat, 04 May 2002 02:15:17 +0200, Gitte Shine wrote:

>I'm curious, as I couldn't find it in the docs, how can you make closed 
>lists? I am interested in a list where the current owner needs to accept 
>upcoming users, in difference from what they can now, and yet I want 
>them to be able to "apply", and they should be able to unsubscribe 
>without acceptance from list-owner.
>Is this possible with what I currently work with? (.10 used with sendmail)

Well it should very much be possible by changing a few list preferences. loke in privacy options change the :
What steps are required for subscription? to confirm+approve.

this makes it a closed list by user still able to apply and u being the moderator approve the user to be the member of the 

hope this helps you,

best regards,


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