[Mailman-Users] admin task "ghost"

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Tue Mar 26 16:06:20 CET 2002

Look in ~mailman/lists/<listname>/.. 
The file request.db has some info in it.  Make sure that the rights are 
correct on it.  You should be able to go the the web-admin and cancel out the 
task.  Failing that, copy an empty request.db from one of your other lists 
over the current one (make sure the rights are correct! after that).

Also check out ~mailman/data and make sure you don't have any held messages 
awaiting approval/disapproval.

 --- Original Message: Tuesday 26 March 2002 09:31 am ---
> During a recent change in server hardware, I had an administrative task
> for one of my mailing lists waiting to be done.  On the new server,
> mailman thinks that the task still needs to be done and emails me daily
> about it, but it can't find the task.  How can I make mailman forget
> about the task?
> Regards,
> dm
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